About Us

Be Original. Not to please, Be authentic to yourself.

We are very proud of advocating women’s voice and skills, designing products that truly connect to women’s real needs.

Sylmefe is a nipple patch brand based in New York, dedicated to promoting gender equality and empowerment for women. We believe that every woman should be free to express herself, pursue her dreams and goals without being restricted by gender or social biases. Our nipple patches not only provide a comfortable wearing experience, but also embody our pursuit and support for women's freedom and empowerment.

Our brand will be committed to promoting gender equality and empowerment through various forms of promotion and action. We will actively participate in social welfare and charity activities, provide support and assistance to disadvantaged women, and call for the protection and respect of women's rights in society. We will also establish a positive, open, and supportive community to provide women with a platform for communication and support, where they can encourage each other, share experiences and resources, and grow and progress together.

We believe that women's power is infinite, and as long as they have faith and courage, they can break through gender and social restrictions and pursue their dreams and goals. Sylmefe is committed to providing women with strength and support, allowing them to show themselves more freely, confidently, and beautifully, and contribute to building an equal and open society.

We are striving to be source of inspiration, stimulating women to the best of themselves, MAKING meaningful and sustainable CHANGE.